Article Forge 4.5 Is Now Live

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Article Forge has been updated, Article Forge 4.5 is now live and it brings with it some really amazing features that make content creation easier than ever!

Feature #1: Article Forge’s biggest quality update ever

The biggest quality update ever rolled out by Article Forge, this version promises an increased level of fluency, accuracy, diversified structure including sub-sections, lists and sentence /paragraph variation to further boost the quality of content created with Article Forge. It also ensures to eliminate repetition of sentences or phrases to make the content more scintillating to read. All in all, this is one step closer to smarter content for businesses!

Feature #2: Complete control over what Article Forge writes

With its latest update, Article Forge has given users unprecedented control over the content their articles produce. Now, rather than simply inputing a keyword, you can provide instructions that detail what type of article you want it to generate – ranging from topics to tone and format.

For example, if you wanted a news article about the recent FTX scandal, you can instruct Article Forge to introduce what a cryptocurrency exchange is, describe why FTX collapsed, talk about current legal troubles, and conclude by suggesting more reliable ways to store cryptocurrency. This level of control makes Article Forge’s articles much more reliable for your purpose since the articles will come out exactly how you desire them.

Write a news article that:

  1. Introduce what a cryptocurrency exchange is
  2. Describes the fall of FTX and why it collapsed
  3. Talk about current legal troubles
  4. Concludes by suggesting more reliable ways to store cryptocurrency

Feature #3: Write articles that are unlimited words

Writing longer articles is an increasingly growing trend across the internet, as extended content provides more information to the reader and often proves more useful and popular. Article Forge goes beyond this rising trend by offering the ability to write unlimited length articles, allowing you to include valuable detail for your readers. This powerful feature will enable you to write comprehensive articles with multiple subsections and headers, providing up-to-date information in a formatting style enjoyed by today’s readers.

Not only that, but some Article Forge users have already written articles that are over 20,000 words – remarkable achievements made possible with Article Forge!

Article Forge 4.5

Try Article Forge 4.5 Today

About Author

Teacher, programmer, AI advocate, fan of One Piece and pretends to know how to cook. Michael graduated Computer Science and in the years 2019 and 2020 he was involved in several projects coordinated by the municipal education department, where the focus was to introduce students from the public network to the world of programming and robotics. Today he is a writer at Wicked Sciences, but says that his heart will always belong to Python.