Scientists Create A Magnet That Is A Million Times Stronger Than The Earth’s Magnetic Core

The 45.22-tesla magnet is just short of the record for the world’s strongest magnet.

China apparently launched the world’s strongest magnet for scientific research at a laboratory in the south east town of Hefei, which is in the Anhui province, a report by the South China Morning Post discloses.

This magnet is claimed to be about the size and shape of a coin, having a diameter of 33mm. Inspite of its small size, it creates a consistent magnetic field strength of 45.22 tesla, which is more than a million times more powerful than the Earth’s magnetic field.

World Record Magnets

Scientists from the United States National High Magnetic Field Laboratory built a world record 45.5-tesla field in 2019. Having said that, they did that with a test magnet that wasn’t made use of in experiments.

The Hefei center has now become the highest steady-state magnetic field that can assist scientific research.

The first record was created by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory in the United States in 1999. Its hybrid magnet generated 450,000 gauss [45 tesla], and it has kept the record for 23 years.

Producing such powerful magnetic fields demands an enormous amount of energy, though the benefits could also be world-changing. Researchers worldwide are creating incredibly powerful magnets in a bid to utilize the great possibility of nuclear fusion energy, which could lower the entire world’s dependence on fossil fuels.

At the Heifei center, a group of physicists employed a powerful magnet in 2016 to carry out experiments, which in turn led to the detection of a brand new physical phenomenon in carbon nanotubes. Their breakthrough has potential uses in the semiconductor market, as scientists are endeavoring to substitute silicon with carbon in chips to generate super-fast low-power computers.

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Uncovering nuclear fusion and many other advancements

Professor Kuang Guangli, the lead scientist working on the magnetic field project revealed that the team has effectively produced the most powerful magnet on the planet for scientific research purposes.

Although the country’s strong magnetic field laboratory started fairly late, it only took about ten years to make the big leap from zero to a leader, creating the China speed for the innovation of strong magnetic technological innovation the report stated.

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About Author

Teacher, programmer, AI advocate, fan of One Piece and pretends to know how to cook. Michael graduated Computer Science and in the years 2019 and 2020 he was involved in several projects coordinated by the municipal education department, where the focus was to introduce students from the public network to the world of programming and robotics. Today he is a writer at Wicked Sciences, but says that his heart will always belong to Python.